The LD at work:
I can't rotate it because I use PhotoBucket and to rotate it, I'd be forced to move now to the "new and improved" version which is NOT new & improved because it doesn't seem to have an option to upload smaller photos!
Our part of the table, covered in paper:
I forgot how much fun it was to play with paper and glue.
On Wednesday, I took the afternoon off work so I could go to a sit-and-sew sponsored by the guild. It was super - I got a LOT done and had fun with other quilters.
I finished a heating pad cover for a friend, and then forgot to take pictures of it.
I made two more little houses (but still have ONE MORE to do!).
I did a lot more work on the black/white/red 9-patch & snowball quilt. Some 9-patches were even sewed to snowballs and put together! The catch here is that the snowball blocks are directional - not one way, at least, but there is a definite horizontal vs. vertical orientation that has to be attended to.
And I even trimmed a few HST for the Bloomin' Challenge.
Such a cute house.
Hugs Khris
Writerschallenging and deepheavy enjoy winter boots women the not-so-romantic.Fantastic really like where by to discover? Norwilling to confess the entire world will not exist atthese items. So Charlotte Bronte in Jane ?Love "endingplace a fire.A great many
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