Saturday, February 10, 2024

Project Quilting 15.3 - Inside Out

 The third challenge for Project Quilting 2024 is "Inside Out."

And this time I remembered to take some process photos :)

The theme is the sometimes stark contrast between what we present to the outside world and what we keep inside.

I started with a brain, quilted in a brainy pattern and outlined.

Close-up of brain

Writing "hidden" emotions on the reverse side of fabric

hidden emotions arranged on the sad brain

I then quilted a second brain, separate from the first. Somehow I didn't get a photo of that brain by itself. I then wrote out the "out" words on brighter scraps of fabric. Two arrangements considered- on top of the cover brain, or surrounding. Had a consult with my design expert, my older daughter, and we agreed on the design.

Sewn around the brain won out. The top as it appears, and the cover brain can be flipped up to show the inside brain. The different orientation of the brains was a mistake, but I left it- I'm always worried someone will figure out what's going on inside.


PersimonDreams said...

Super cool! Love that it's interactive!

The Joyful Quilter said...

How many times a day do we hide our emotions?! Brilliant interpretation of the PQ 15.3 theme.