Saturday, January 12, 2008

Not much crafty today

I did buy two organizer boxes at the dollar store before I went to Trader Joe's and I got the piece of background fabric washed. Not ironed yet, or anything pinned...I WILL get it started tomorrow.

I went with the mid-kid to the DC offices of the Fox News cable show. It was a lot more interesting to the grown-ups than to the Cub Scouts, I think, but they liked seeing themselves on the monitors.

Today, I am grateful for:
1. Warm snickerdoodles and cold milk.
2. Living in an area near DC, which I don't get to nearly as often as I should. There is SO MUCH available to see and do downtown.
3. Something blooming downtown with an amazing smell. In January!
4. Strawberries in January.
5. Blood oranges.

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